After examine the various studies and acknowledging the research I found that playing violent video games can increase aggressive thoughts, emotion, behavior and feeling in both short and long terms. Violent video games can also desensitize people to see aggressive behavior and decrease pro-social behavior such as helping needy, feeling empathy, understanding family and friends, having social life, outdoor activities and many such as. The longer individuals are exposed to violent games the more likely they are to have aggressive behaviors, thoughts, emotion and feelings. These effects have been seen in studies in both Eastern and Western countries.

 Although males spend more time than females playing violent video games. Violent video game exposure can increase aggressive thoughts, behaviors, and feelings in both sexes but not all aggressive behaviors are violent. Very few studies have looked at whether playing violent video games increases the chances of later delinquency, criminal behavior, or lethal violence.

Aggressive behavior is measured by scientists in a number of ways. Some studies looked at self-reports of hitting or pushing, and some looked at peer or teacher ratings on aggressive behavior. Other studies looked at how likely an individual was to subject others to an unpleasant exposure to hot sauce or a loud noise after playing violent video games.
Unfortunately there have not been many studies on the effects of different characteristics of video games, such as perspective or plot. However, some studies have found that competition among players in video games is a better predictor of aggressive behavior than is the level of violence. 
It is important to keep in mind that violent video game exposure is only one risk factor of aggressive behavior. For example, mental illness, adverse environments, and access to guns are all risk factors of aggression and violence.
In my further blog you will go through various case study in which addiction towards gaming cause horrified death. These cases are from various parts of globe


  1. i believe playing aggressive video games makes me emotionally disturbed.

  2. Its hampering the mental health

  3. People must switch to something productive


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